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Writer's picturePastor Dan Giles

Saturday, March 28, 2020 Devotional

Tomorrow is the fifth Sunday in Lent. The Sunday after that is Palm Sunday, which kicks off Holy Week, and that ends on Easter Sunday, two weeks from tomorrow. It’s amazing how quickly it’s come upon us this year. With the virus lockdown in place we’re not sure what our Palm Sunday and Easter celebrations will look like.

The Governor’s original recommendation was that we self-quarantine through the end of March, which would take us until next Tuesday. We’re waiting to hear whether the lockdown is to be extended beyond that. Some computer models apparently predict that the peak of contagion will hit Arizona around the middle of April, so it would not be surprising if the Governor does decide to extend it for a couple of weeks more. We will let you know about meetings at church as soon as we know more.

Tomorrow we will live stream the video of the Bible Class at 9:30am and the church service at 10:30am on our Facebook page. We have improved the sound so that it is no longer hard to hear or understand. We’ll keep working to perfect the technology, but I think it’s quite acceptable now. Please let us know if you have any more suggestions for improvement. This whole thing reminds me of a blind man trying to feel his way through a room in the dark. Nobody seems to know where the dangers are or what to expect next. We’ll just have to wait and see. “...Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'" -‭‭John‬ ‭8:12‬

We know that the Lord has not been taken by surprise by all of this. So long as we follow Him, it doesn’t matter how dark it is outside. The light of life shines in our hearts, and He will lead us forward.

God’s peace to you!

Pastor Dan Giles

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